Opening hours today for The Garden Centre Group

10:30 - 16:30

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🕗 The Garden Centre Group Opening times in Herefordshire, HR4 0SE

HR4 0SE Kings Acre Road Herefordshire, gb
Telephone: 0844 288 5021, Fax: 0844 288 8021
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Little has changed in that respect, it is still known as the best place to buy top quality growing stock in the area. The reputation of its knowledgeable and helpful staff reaches far and wide, the array of gardening products is superb and the restaurant (the first to open in any garden centre in 1971) stays true to its original philosophy of friendly service and excellent food. The real difference lies in the breadth of products available, which now includes garden furniture, gifts, cards, food, drink and, at


Nearest The Garden Centre Group stores, The Garden Centre Group Herefordshire

The Range, Hereford

Three Elms Road, 1.1 km

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Topps Tiles Hereford, Hereford

54 Holmer Road, 2.6 km

Closed today

Wyevale Garden Centres Hereford, Hereford

Kings Acre Road Hereford Herefordshire, 915.5 m

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The Garden Centre Group Worcestershire, Worcestershire

Droitwich Road (A38), 42.0 km

Closed today